Recently I was nominated by Em from Em's World for The Sunshine Blogger Award. Thanks Em for the nomination. Please ensure you read her post here.
Rules For The Sunshine Blogger Award
- Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog;
- Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you;
- Nominate 11 bloggers to receive this award and ask them 11 new questions; and
- List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog site.
Em's Questions For Me . . .
1. What’s your favourite social media platform for promoting your blog?
1. What’s your favourite social media platform for promoting your blog?
Twitter is my favourite but I am going to launch my Instagram page soon which I am looking forward to using.
2. Do you prefer TV or films?
Hmm, good question. Although I love a good film, I watch
documentaries and 'made for TV' productions and shows more often (usually via online mediums). It's fairly rare to have 2 hours free to sit and watch a movie these days. One TV
series I like is The Last Kingdom on the BBC. Especially so, as I had
already read five of the books of the original literary version, when I discovered the BBC
had bought the rights to convert it for the big screen. With 2
seasons down I'm waiting with baited breath for the third.
3. What was your proudest accomplishment of 2017? It can be blog based or not.
3. What was your proudest accomplishment of 2017? It can be blog based or not.
I wouldn't say I'm proud, but I'm glad that I took the opportunity to write my first pieces for public consumption as a guest blogger, and then working on my first paid
writing assignments for clients. I'd always enjoyed writing but hadn't ever thought of it as anything more than a hobby, a way to
de-stress and keep organised. Earning some extra income from doing something I enjoy was a new and welcome experience.
4. What’s your favourite song right now?
4. What’s your favourite song right now?
the moment when training I am listening to Sail by Awolnation
a lot.
5. If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?
5. If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?
love to go to Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. I'd love to experience
walking along the Copacabana beach, in the beautiful sunshine, taking
in the sites and seeing everyone enjoying themselves. I'd also like to see the world famous Carnival too, as well
as the beautiful vistas of, and from the top of, Sugarloaf Mountain.
I've always been enamoured of the Art Deco statue of Jesus called
Christ the Redeemer, since I first saw it on TV when I was young. It is an iconic landmark and definitely one of the sights I'd like to see at some point in life.
- Do you have any pets? If so, what?
Although until a few days ago I had been feeding a lost looking stray
cat who showed up one night meowing and seeking attention. With it
being so cold I fed it, but then it kept showing up each day. We put
appeals out on social media to see if anyone had lost one, and there
was no claimant. He was in really good health, well fed and with a
good sheen to his coat, so it was a bit odd. Fortunately though he
has now been taken in and given a home by a friend of mine and her
son; their pet cat had sadly died only a week or so prior to this one
showing up, so it's like it was meant to be. The little lad fell in
love with it and likewise the cat with him (of course the treats may
have had a little something to do with it) :) He is now called
'Marmalade' on account of his 'strawberry blonde' fur.
- What’s your favourite quote?
I'm struggling to pick just one as a favourite, but one of my
all time favourite quotes has to be a line from a speech made by Sir
Winston Churchill whilst he was serving as Prime Minister and Britain's wartime leader during World War II. He was speaking
about the recent British and allied victory in the aerial Battle of Britain. It was a battle
that, had the Germans won, the British Isles would have been wide-open
to a full scale invasion and inevitable occupation by Nazi Germany (as had already happened across Europe). This British victory was pivotal to the allied war effort and ultimately it changed the course of history. The line is simple yet so poignant, and refers to the brave RAF Pilots
and Aircrews whom had fought and served so bravely (in many cases to the death during this battle), even when the odds were so
heavily stacked against them. It went as follows;
in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so
- What do you do to motivate yourself?
I visualize what it is I am striving for and this helps me to maintain the self-discipline to do the things I don't enjoy but which will ultimately help me to achieve whichever goal I have set myself. I'd say visualization and having clear set goals are crucial factors which help me to maintain focus and stay motivated.
- What’s the best thing that’s ever happened to you?
One of the best things that has happened to me was being accepted to my first choice of university as it was very competitive,
and looking back, it paved the way to an amazing few years in a
beautiful place where I had some unique and unforgettable
- Do you have a bucket list? If so, have you ticked anything off yet?
I haven't really thought of a bucket list for a while, but 3 things I'd like to do are; a skydive, even though I'd be just as nervous and scared as most people, it looks amazing and all of my friends who have done it have said the buzz and the overall experience was incredible. I'd love to set up an educational scholarship scheme one day in order to help gifted and talented children from disadvantaged backgrounds gain access to top level education and opportunities. And thirdly a huge one for me is I would love to go and follow the British and Irish Lions rugby team on tour in New Zealand and for us to win the series. We drew with them last summer 1-1 in the three test series, the next B&I Lions tour to New Zealand is in the year 2029.
- What do you find most challenging about blogging?
most challenging part of blogging for me at this stage are the
organisational and time-management elements; keeping up with
correspondence, emails, social media platforms and constantly
thinking about and creating new content, while pitching to potential
clients and all the rest. It can be quite hectic and stressful at times.
My Questions . . .
1. What do you consider to be your biggest strength?
2. If you could pick up and master any skill in just one day, what skill would it be? (Playing an instrument, speaking a language? Etc)
3. What is the best place you have visited as a tourist and why?
4. What are your three favourite films?
5. List 3 fun things you would like to do before you die.
6. If you could go back in time to any point in history, and stay there for 24 hours, just observing, where would you go and why?
7. What is the most you have ever won or lost in one session of gambling or on a bet?
8. What is your most prized material possession?
9. What are your main goals (not blog related) for 2018?
10. Who is the most famous person you have met face to face? Briefly describe the encounter.
11. What is your favourite alcoholic beverage?
I Nominate
I'm really looking forward to reading your posts, please remember to tag me on Twitter (@aclassicgentuk) so I can read your posts when you've finished and posted them. If you like this post please share and subscribe. Thanks for reading.
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